Like the dudes from
Altered beast, Ronin Fitness has gone from dead to undead. I'll be posting my workouts here for those of you still interested (anyone??) and for any guests that may want to come by and throw down.
Here's a breakdown of the last 15 months of training:
1. 3 Months of Outlaw
The Outlaw Way has THE single greatest programming in all of Crossfit. Yeah, it's designed for elite athletes but if you can take the volume you can't ask for anything more than the data driven programming from Rudy.
2. 3 Months of doing whatever I felt like
After the Crossfit Open 2013 I took a step back to evaluate where I stood. I felt that I was at the upper limit of what my dedication would allow. I thought I needed to make a choice- devote the time and energy to continue my progress or change directions. I wasn't
able willing to make that commitment and so decided to move away from training for competition. During this time I mostly lifted and did short metcons, why? Because that's what I like best and took the least amount of time.
3. 2-3 months of Olympic Lifting
I dedicated myself to oly lifting following the short lived Outlaw Barbell programming of Spencer Arnold. While I did PR in my snatch (thanks Spencer!) I didn't PR in the C&J and found my shoulders beat to hell and my conditioning decreasing. I had trouble handling the intensity of the program and usually cut something out, which is why I blame myself for not PRing in the C&J.
3. Back to Crossfit
I spent a indeterminate amount of time going back to Crossfit bread and butter- strength and a metcon. During this time my consistency and passion started to wane.
4. GoRuck
Looking for something I could dedicate to I started following the Goruck training page. I liked the new type of training, some strength with light weight/ body weight metcons and a sprinkling of rucking. My consistency still plagued me but I was getting more consistent and happy to see progress in my ruck marches. Sadly, GoRuck pulled the rug out from underneath me and stopped posting workouts without warning. I knew I would be just fine but felt bad for Joe/Jane Schmo trying to get in shape for a GoRuck event.
That brings us to today. All that I can say is, let's see what happens.