Welcome to Ronin Fitness, a group of athletes thinking "outside the box"

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Sunday, July 22 2012


Take it easy today and get ready for the week ahead. Following is the Rest Day Question, feel free to post your response in the contents section.

What does crossfit mean to you?


  1. To me, crossfit is part of my on-going journey towards a healthy lifestyle. Crossfit is a daily physical and mental challenge that I thrive on. It is a competition that I have with myself to continuously improve. Crossfit is a confidence builder. Most importantly, crossfit is a supportive community made up of wonderful people who have become very important to me. I value the friendships I have made through my crossfit journey

  2. About a year or so ago, crossfit and I crossed paths unintentionally. I was scared, reluctant, and very, very nervous. For me, crossfit isn't only about exercise. It is now something I embrace. It is a family, a community, a circle of friends. Crossfit allows you improve yourself inside and out through AWESOME SUPPORT. I absolutely love to see the new found strength crossfit has given me, both mentally and physically. I have a new sense of self-confidence and I am proud of what I am working towards. Crossfit is a truly amazing experience. Crossfit can break you down one day, but build you up the next. It can be a roller coaster ride. A roller coaster ride of self-improvement that keeps you coming back for more.

  3. Yikes, how do I top those two answers? I joined crossfit to get out of the boring Gold's gym workouts. Never ever expecting to LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it. What crossfit means to me is a new way of living, working out, and becoming a member of a cult! LOL. I think of crossfit 24/7, anticipating doing my next WOD. Thinking about everything I eat (which I did in the past but loving the Palio way--BACON!) The x-fit community is so supportive and accepting--nothing you can ever find in a "gym".
    Thank you Molly and Mike for offering a groupon!!!
