Welcome to Ronin Fitness, a group of athletes thinking "outside the box"

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Wednesday, July 18th 2012

You guys rocked yesterday! That was a tough workout after hard sprints.

Skill: Pullups/HSPU/Muscle Ups (based on turnout) every minute on the minute for 10 minutes

AMRAP 10 minutes:
8x Clapping Pushups
10x Ground to Overhead w/ Bumper
12x Four-count Flutter Kicks


  1. That was a tough cf day. Really enjoyed the burpee broads! The sprints were brutal. I'm beat!

  2. If it rains/storms is there a pavilion in the area we can still meet for the WOD? Just planning ahead. See ya all tonight!!! LOVIN' THIS!!!!

  3. hahahah Dennis said the sprints were TERRIBLE! Glad I skipped it. Dennis and I can't make it tonight, but hope to see people again soon!

    I swam 500 meters for time. 14:30.

  4. Those sprints were brutal! It's another HOT day out there! Make sure you drink plenty of water! I'm off to the pool!
    Great job on the swim, Karen!
