Welcome to Ronin Fitness, a group of athletes thinking "outside the box"

Monday, August 6, 2012

August 6th 2012

Reminder, no class today. We'll resume tomorrow though so be ready for a tough one. Here's something to do at home.

Skill: 10-15 minutes working on the Olympic Lifting jump/landing stance (As we've practiced)

For Time:
1-2-3...9-10-9...3-2-1 reps of:
Jump Squats

For the dips you can use two chairs, a park bench, rings....whatever you can find


  1. Thanks for the wods Johnny! I'm at the beach this week and due to a wedding I missed Saturdays tabata. This morning I did 1/2 mile run 200 du then tabata du, push ups, KBS (1pd), sit ups (on a boogie board-long story) air squats then run 1/2 mile. I'll prob do this one tomorrow! would hate to miss doing squrpees!

  2. 7:40. Did the dips off of a bench press bench with my feet on the floor. Can not wait to see everyone tomorrow!!!

  3. I wanted to use my slam ball in a workout today. Thanks to the guidance of a friend, my workout consisted of 4 rounds of 20 jumping goblet squats (using my slamball), 15 weighted sit ups (again using my slam ball) and 10 slam balls. Tough but fun! My time: 9:50.
