Welcome to Ronin Fitness, a group of athletes thinking "outside the box"

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

December 18 2012

Back Squat: 3x10 heavier than last week

ME Strict HSPU + ME Kipping HSPU
-Rest 30s
3 Rounds for Time:
40x DU
20x Pullups
-Rest 30s
ME Strict HSPU + ME Kipping HSPU
-Rest 30s
3 Rounds for Time:
40x DU
20x KBS (32/24)
-Rest 30s
ME Strict HSPU + ME Kipping HSPU

Monday, December 17, 2012

December 17 2012


4 min. ME Burpee Box Jumps

Rest 2 min.

4 min AMRAP:
20x BB Overhead Walking Lunges (95/65)
8x Muscle Ups

Rest 2 min.

2 min. ME Burpees

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Results December 11 2012

December 11 2012

Back Squat 3x10, as heavy as possible

2 Rounds of:
4 round tabata: KBS (24/16)
Rest 1 min.
4 round tabata: burpees
Rest 1 min.

Monday, December 10, 2012

December 10 2012

Strength: Clean & Jerk
3x1 @80%, 2x1 @ 85%, 2x1 @90%, 5x1 @ 80%

Power Clean (135/95)
Ring Dips

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

December 5 2012

Every 30s for 5 minutes Power Snatch @75%

4 Rounds NOT for time:
3x 3-stop Snatch pulls
5x Hang Clean Hipulls
5x Split Press

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Results December 4 2012

December 4 2012

Sorry for the hiatus, i've been itching to get back to it.

Back Squat 1x8 @ 70%, 1x5 @ 80%, 1x3 @ 85%, 3x2 @ 90%
Rest 90s b/w sets

10 min. AMRAP:
8x Ring Dips
16x KB Sings (32/24)

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

November 28 2012

Bring your training log tonight!

Training Log Burpee Penalties:
15: haven't updated since last week
30: havent updated since last month
60: dont have a training log

Why you ask? Because smart athletes log their workouts and if we aren't going to work smart, then I guess we have to work hard (hence the burpees)

Today is an all strength day, so man-up

Every 45s for 5 minutes:
1 power snatch + 1 hang power snatch @ 70%
**do the same thing with the clean


4 Rounds NOT for time:
3x 3-stop snatch pulls
5x Hang clean high pulls
5x Split press

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Results November 27 2012

November 27 2012

With inclement weather, be cautious and take your time getting into the gym today (leave early if possible to allow yourself time to get in)

Strength: Back Squat
Every 30s for 4min.- 1rep @ 85%
Rest 2 min.
Every 60s for 4min. -1rep @ 90%

2min max row (cal)

Rest 1 min.

AMRAP 4 min:
15x HR Pushups
10x Toes-to-Bar

Rest 1 min.

AMRAP 4 min;
15x Jumping Squats 45#
10x Pullups

Rest 1 min

2 min max row (cal)

Sunday, November 25, 2012

November 25 2012

I hope everyone had a great thanksgiving. Come by the gym tonight at 8 to test your olympic lifting prowess.

20 minutes to find 1rm snatch
20 minutes to find 1rm clean & jerk

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

November 21 2012

4 Rounds, not for time:
3x 3-stop snatch pulls
5x Pendlay row
5x Split Press

Row: 3x 1k, rest 1:1, 30 burpee penalty
Run: 4x 800, rest 1:1, 25 burpee penalty

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

November 20, 2012

1.25 Front Squat 7x2, 60s rest

Row 200m
9x Muscleup sub
9x Power Snatch (115/75)
Row 200m
7x Muscleup sub
7x Power Snatch (115/75)
Row 200m
5x Muscleup sub
5x Power Snatch (115/75)
Row 200m

Sunday, November 18, 2012

November 19th 2012

Perfect Form Squat Snatches

15x Single Hand Pullups
10x Wallballs
12x Single Hand Pullups
15x Wallballs
9x Single Hand Pullups
20x Wallballs
6x Single Hand Pullups
25x Wallballs
3x Single Hand Pullups
30x Wallballs

Friday, November 16, 2012

Results November 16 2012

November 16 2012

Deadlift 1 rep every 15s for 5 minutes
Bench Pres 7x2

3 Rounds of:
7x C2B Pullup/ Ring Dip
14x Thruster (115/75)
21x Weighted Abmat Situps

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

November 14th 2012

3 Rounds NOT for time
5x Jumping Goodmorning
5x Pendlay Row
5x Seated Press

7x Run 200m

November 13 2012

Strength: Snatch2 reps EMOM 10

90s max DU's
Run 1000m
100x DU's
Run 500m
50x DU's

Monday, November 12, 2012

November 12 2012

Strength: Back Squat 5-4-3-2-1

3 Rounds of:
5x Jump Complex
25x KB Swings (2/1.5)
5x Jump Complex
25x Pullups
**Rest 1:1

Friday, November 9, 2012

November 9 2012

Today will be a brief departure from outlaw, why? Because we pretty much don't have any of the equipment to make it happen. So today we're doing something different. We're going to do a mini-competition. Show up early to warm up and hear the movement standards

Event 1
5 min AMRAP:
Squat Clean & Jerk (165/110)

Event 2
10 min AMRAP:
30x Double Unders
15x Power Snatch (75/55)

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

November 6th 2012

Yesterday Jag won in the battle of the J's.

Hang Clean&Jerk 7x1 (heavy)
Pause Front Squats 5x2 (heavier)

7 min. AMRAP
50x Double Unders
15x HSPUs

Monday, November 5, 2012

November 5th 2012

Dress warm today

Strength: Snatch Practice

3 Rounds of:
10x Burpees to target
20x Kb Swing (2/1.5)
10x C2B Pullups
10x Thrusters (115/75)

Monday, October 29, 2012

October 29th 2012

Due to the storm, the normal workout is canceled. Try the workout below and post results to comments.

5 Rounds for Time:
10x Pistols
15x V-Ups
10x Burpees

Friday, October 26, 2012

October 26 2012

Strength: Front Squat 1x5 light, 2x3 medium, 2x1 heavy

Skill: KB Snatch

WOD: 8 min AMRAP
8x Lateral Jumps
16x OH Lunges
24x Pushups

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

October 24 2012

Sorry for missing posts as of late, it hasn't changed the fact that we're still crushing wods.

Max Overhead Squat

Need I say more?

Monday, October 22, 2012

Results October 22 2012

October 22nd 2012

Strength: Prowler Pushes 5x 50' (225/155)

For Time:
50x Kb Swing (2/1.5)
15x T2B
20x Shoulder Touches
15x T2B
10x Shoulder Touches
15x T2B
25x KB Swing (2/1.5)

Thursday, October 18, 2012

October 19th 2012

Strength: 5x5 Front Squat

AMRAP 10 min.
10x Ground-to-Overhead (45/35)
15x Hand Release Pushups
30x Double Unders

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

October 17th 2012

Well that run yesterday was short, next time there will be no such luck haha.

Snatch Landing 10x1

5 Rounds of:
10x Pullups
Run 200m
15x Wallballs
Rest 1:1

Monday, October 15, 2012

October 16th 2012

Gentleman, those deadlifts yesterday sucked. I'm glad I had the pleasure of suffering through them with you.

Shoulder Press 5x5

For Time:
30x V-Ups
20x Thrusters (115/75)
Run 800m
20x Thrusters (115/75)
30x V-Ups

Results October 15 2012

Sunday, October 14, 2012

October 15th 2012

15 minutes to find 1RM Clean & Jerk

3 Rounds for Time:
12x Deadlifts (heavy)
24x Over-the-bar Burpees

Saturday, October 13, 2012

October 13th 2012

I saw some great improvement in snatch form yesterday. Keep working at it.

At-Home WOD


5x HSPUs
10x Situps
15x Squats

Friday, October 12, 2012

October 12th 2012

For the following strength use your OHS from last week to figure out percentages.

Snatch Pulls: 1 Every 30s for 5min @ 100%
Muscle Snatch: 1 Every 30s for 5 min @ 40%
Power Snatch+ Hang Squat Snatch: Every 60s for 10 minutes

Burpees: Pick a number of reps (Ex. 20), Perform that many every minute on the minute until failure. Score is competed rounds

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Monday, October 8, 2012

October 9th 2012

Yesterday we were really crushing weight (pun intended).

3x Max Handstand Pushups

AMRAP 12 minutes:
15x KB Swings
15x Toes-to-Bar
15x Unbroken Double Unders

PS: It's only 15

Results October 8th 2012

This is from memory so I apologize if I got this wrong:

Jag 7:09
Court 8:34
Serge 8:19
Ed 9:10
Johnny 7:12

October 8th 2012

Let's do this.

Overhead Squat 1RM

5 Rounds for Time:
5x Clean & Jerk (135/95)
Run 200m

Sunday, October 7, 2012

October 7th 2012

Rest Day

Gear up for another tough week.

Rest Day Question:
What is your weakest lift?

Post your answer to comments or let me know tomorrow

Saturday, October 6, 2012

October 6th 2012

Yesterday we had Marine recruit Anthony working out with us. Good job Anthony.

At-Home WOD

3x Max L-Sit

For Time
10-9-8....2-1 Reps of
Hand Release Pushups

Remember, no hands on the ground-to-overheads

Friday, October 5, 2012

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

October 4th 2012


Take it easy today, if you're able to get some time in on a foam roller, lacrosse ball and/or a tennis ball.

For more info check out the free Crossfit Journal article: Trigger Point Massage.

October 3rd 2012

Good job yesterday guys, it looks like we're going to get better weather this evening.

WOD- "Nicole"
AMRAP 20 minutes:
Run 400m
Max Pullups

Cashout: Car Pushes

If you've been keeping up with your training log, we did this sometime in August. Figure out what your score was from when we did it last so you know what you have to beat today

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Results October 2nd 2012

October 2nd 2012

Yesterday was a tough day, everyone gave it their all and it's efforts like that that'll make us closer to "elite".

*Meet at Illick's Mill Rd today!!!

Strength: Inverted KB Carries

5 Rounds for Time:
4x KB Clean & Jerk (2/1)
8x Box Jumps
12x Ring Rows

Sunday, September 30, 2012

October 1st 2012

3RM Floor Press

8 minute AMRAP:
8x Snatch (95/65)
20x Double unders

The jumpropes are in! See Jag to get yours.

September 30th 2012

Rest Day

If you're as(s) sore as I am from those sprints and pistols please do some active recovery and mobility.

Rest Day Question:

What's your biggest strength in crossfit?

Saturday, September 29, 2012

September 29th 2012

Back by popular demand.

At Home WOD
3 Rounds for Max Reps:

Use whatever you can for the G2O's, the heavier the better. For the dips, saw horses work great. If you dont have them, two chairs will work

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Friday September 28th 2012

If it's raining we will be on Illick's Mill.

Sprint Chases

12 minute Time Limit:
Hand Release Pushups

*perform 1 rep of each the first round, 2 reps of each the second round, etc
**bring a vest if you have one

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Thursday September 27th 2012

Rest Day

Recover, stretch and show up hungry for a workout on Friday.

If you'd like a jumprope let Jag know by Friday out post to comments

Results September 26th 2012

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Wednesday September 26th 2012

Another hard day yesterday. Sorry for the late post, I fell asleep with phone in hand mid-post.

Skill: Bar Muscle Ups, EMOM 10 minutes

AMRAP 15 min:
8x Heavy Wallball/ Plate Thrusters
8x 10yd Sprints

Rain location on Illick's Mill. Bring a towel

Monday, September 24, 2012

Tuesday September 25th 2012

Those thrusters were heavy yesterday but Jag and Court muscled their way through them.

3x Max Towel Pullups

Hard "Annie"
50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Reps of:
Unbroken Double Unders
Toes-to-Bar (half rep)

Results September 24th 2012

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Monday September 24th 2012

I hope everyone had a healthy weekend. Lets have a good week of training.

Max Split Jerk

5 Rounds for Time:
5x Thruster (135/95)
10x Burpees

Friday, September 21, 2012

September 21st 2012

My apologies for not posting yesterday. Today's class is canceled. See you on Monday.

South Mountain Crossfit will be having a workout at Springtown Park in Allentown at 5:30. Go check it out!!

Monday, September 17, 2012

September 18th 2012

Great work yesterday guys, it was nice to move some weight. I also think everyone got homework to improve their form.

Today we'll be meeting at Monacacy Park on Illick's Mill to stay out of the rain.

For Time:
50x Box Jumps
50x Clapping Pushups
50x Improvised GHD Situps

Everyone bring a towel!!!

Results September 17th 2012

Thursday, September 13, 2012

September 14th 2012

Partner WOD

As a team complete the following:
100x Burpees
100x Ground-to-Overhead (45/34)
20x Slalom Run (45/35)
*one partner must be holding the plate at all times

This is going to be tough one.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

September 13th 2012

Rest Day

Take it easy, maybe do some maintenance on your body with a warmup and some stretching. Go to the website mobilitywod for great info on stretching and mobility.

Otherwise, just come back hungry for more on Friday.

September12th results

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

September 12th 2012

Great job everyone on the 9/11 WOD yesterday, all that running was tough.

Overhead Single-Arm KB Walk for Max Distance (each arm)

AMRAP 10 min.
10x Pullups
20m Burpee Broadjumps
*if you have a weight vest bring it

September 11th 2012

Sorry for not posting yesterday's results. Today is a 9/11 memorial WOD.

Some may disagree but I think physical excursion is the strongest form of prayer.

Run 2001m
11x Squat Tuck Jumps
11x Pistols
11x Burpee Chest-to-Bar Pullups
11x 175/120# Power Clean
11x Handstand Pushups
11x KB Swings 2/1.5
11x Toes-to-Bar
11x Deadlift 175/120#
11x Push Jerk 110/75#

Monday, September 10, 2012

September 10th 2012

3 Rounds for Max Reps
1 minute  for each movement (total 5 minute round)

Kb Swings
Abmat Situps

If you dont have an abmat, just bring a towel to use instead

Friday, September 7, 2012

Results September 7th 2012

Under extremely slippery conditions Team Jag/Tyler edged out Team Ed/Surge. Both teams gave 100% and were neck and neck the entire time, good job guys.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

September 7th 2012

Team WOD today!

Capture the Flag:
More details tomorrow but here is the gist.

Each team has a certain amount of flags. With one person working at a time, they must complete one round, listed below, and then sprint to steal an opponent's flag, return with it, and tag the next teammate in. A team with no flags at their base loses.

5x Pullups
10x Pushups
15x Squats

This should be fun, challenging and a chance to build camaraderie

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

September 6th 2012

Rest Day

Yesterday we did a great WOD on our field trip to Monacacy Park. We also had Pete come check us out. Thanks for coming Pete and you're welcome back anytime!

Expect a hard team WOD on Friday.

Results September 5th 2012

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

September 5th 2012

Field trip today!

5 rounds for Time:
15x Kb Swings
15x Picnic Table Box Jumps

Bring something grippy, like a door mat, for the picnic tables

Results September 4th 2012

Monday, September 3, 2012

September 4th 2012

SWelcome back from the holiday weekend, now it's time to get our butts in gear

Skill: Muscle Ups/ Pullups, Every Minute on the Minute for 15 minutes

5 Rounds for Time:
10x Clapping Pushups
Sprint 200m

September 3rd 2012

Reminder, no class today. Some athletes were planning to meet up anyway though. If you're craving a hero wod, here's one that doesn't require any equipment.

For Time:
Run 800m
Run 400m Backwards
Run 800m
Run 400m Backwards

Saturday, September 1, 2012

September 1st 2012

I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!

At-Home WOD

Strength: 6x Uphill Sprint 50m

3 Rounds for Time:
15x Pistols
10x Handstand Pushups

This WOD should be like a sprint, go all out!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

August 30th 2012

Rest Day

Yesterday was a lot of fun, "No prowler, no problem!"

We did a show of hands for those in for Friday's WOD and most cannot attend. Due to an anticipated low attendance, the workout for Friday is canceled. Brad will be hosting a workout at  Springhouse Park in Allentown for anyone interested. Check back for an at-home WOD, to be completed Saturday on your own.

Monday, due to the holiday, there will be an unofficial Hero WOD posted for the park (people are planning to go, I will not be in attendance). Otherwise have a great holiday!

Results August 29th 2012

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Results August 28th 2012

August 29th 2012

Yesterday was a good day, lots of PR's on max pullups.

Strength: 5x Car Pushes

5 Rounds of:
1 min. Max Burpees
1 min. Rest

We will meet at our normal time and place then head on a little field trip to do the strength portion. Please arrive BEFORE 6PM so we are ready to go AT 6pm.

This is going to be a fun one!

Monday, August 27, 2012

August 28th 2012

Great job on that heavy workout yesterday guys.

Max Unbroken Pullups

AMRAP 15 minutes:
Run 200m
8x HSPU's
20x Wallball Shots

Bring something to cushion your head (like a towel)

Results August 27th

Sunday, August 26, 2012

August 27th 2012

Skill: Burgener Warmup

AMRAP 10 minutes:
5x Power Snatches (135/95#)
10x Hang Cleans
10x Jerks

August 26th 2012

Rest Day

Enjoy the beautiful weather!

Rest Day Question:
In your opinion, what is the greatest virtue to be seen in an athlete?

Saturday, August 25, 2012

August 25th 2012

Today would normally be an at-home WOD but I'd like everyone resting. We have some hard weeks ahead of us.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

August 24th 2012

Let's finish out our "recovery" week with a partner WOD! This will take brains and brawn to have a top time.

With a partner complete a total of 400 reps using any of the movements below. No more than 50 reps of a movement per team. Both partners may work at the same time. All movements performed as RX'd.

Jumping Lunges
Kb Swings (35/24kg)*
Muscle Ups*
Ninja Rolls*

Note: * means extra credit per rep

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

August 23rd 2012

We had another new guest, Faheem, yesterday. We better see again soon!!

Rest Day

Kick up your feet and take it easy. If you aren't feeling tired or sore you can go swimming, ride a bike or play a sport.

See you on Friday!

Results August 22nd 2012

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

August 22nd 2012

We had some newcomers yesterday. Thanks for coming out Becky, Kait and Casey. We hope to have you back.

Handstand Walk

3 Rounds for Time:
75m Bear Crawl
100m Tire Throws

Results August 21st 2012

Monday, August 20, 2012

August 21st 2012

Yesterday was another wet workout. At 3-2-1-Go, the skies opened up and began drenching us. Midway through the workout everyone was doing burpees in mud. The best part? Everyone carried on, business as usual

5 Rounds for Max Reps:
Unbroken Double Unders
*For L-Hang, 1 second=1 rep

Results August 20, 2012

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Monday August 20th 2012

Shoulder Press: 5x5

AMRAP 10 minutes:
10x Thrusters (95/65)
10x Burpees

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Sunday August 19th 2012

Thank you Lynn for hosting WOD 'n Grill Part II!

Rest Day Question:
In your own words, describe "the" optimal diet. How close does your actual diet stack up?

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Friday August 17th 2012

Today's the day!

For Time:
Run 1600m
100x Pullups
200x Pushups
300x Squats
Run 1600m

Lt. Michael Murphy is one of the greatest heroes for whom crossfit has named a workout. He received the medal of honor posthumously for his valor acts. I would highly recommend reading Lone Survivor by Marcus Luttrell, he was on Murph's last mission and recounts it in his book.

Tomorrow, before the workout, I will read his official medal of honor citation.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Thursday August 16th 2012

Rest Day

Sorry for not being able to make it yesterday. Nevertheless, some athletes went anyway and I heard there were some PR's. Great job guys, you made me proud.

Rest up for "Murph" tomorrow. Everyone should dominate it

August 15th 2012

Great job on the chipper yesterday everyone. Thank you Brad for helping us out yesterday and Monday with equipment. We all really appreciate it.

5x3 Front Squat
5x2 Hang Squat Clean
5x1 Squat Clean

Today will be a focused strength day.

Results August 14th 2012

Monday, August 13, 2012

August 14th 2012

Good job on the sprints yesterday, especially the ladies who had two "special" rounds.

Let's mix it up with a chipper!

30m Standing Broadjumps
30x Pistols
30x Knees to Elbows
30x Dips
30x Slamball
30x V-Ups
30x Pushups
30m Somersaults


Results August 13th 2012

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Monday August 13th 2012

Strength: 8x 10s Sprints

5 Rounds for Time:
15x KB Swings
30x Double Unders

Don't forget, a heavy dumbbell can be used for the KB swings when a kettlebell is unavailable.


Saturday, August 11, 2012

Sunday August 12th 2012


Take it easy today and rest up. Expect something heavy on Monday.

Rest Day Question:
What is your favorite WOD structure? (AMRAP, Rounds for Time, Tabata, Chipper, Intervals, Fight Gone Bad)

August 11th 2012

You missed a good workout yesterday!

At Home WOD

Strength: 5x5 Overhead Squat

30x Tuck Jumps
10x Pullups

Thursday, August 9, 2012

August 10th 2012

Hey everyone, I have an alternate location nearby in case of inclement weather today. The alternate location is at Monacacy Park on Illick's Mill Rd right around the corner. Also, the alternate location will have a secret alternate workout!

3 Rounds for Time:
20x Tire Slams
15x Tire Jumps
10x Tire Throws
5x Tire Pulls


Wednesday, August 8, 2012

August 9th 2013


Good job guys on Grace yesterday, the camaraderie was phenominal. If you have the opportunity, a light swim would be great active rest after the last two hard days.

I'd also like to thank everyone for the wonderful card I received yesterday, I was speechless. I consider it an honor to work with you and am flattered with the kind words of the card.

Results August 8th 2012

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

August 8th 2012

For Time:
30x Clean & Jerk (135/95#)

Then, 3 Rounds of max toes-to-bar

Don't forget to bring your A-game

Results August 7th 2013

August 7th 2012

Let's hit it hard today guys!

Running "Cindy":
AMRAP 20 of:
Run 200m
5x Pullups
10x Pushups
15x Squats

Monday, August 6, 2012

August 6th 2012

Reminder, no class today. We'll resume tomorrow though so be ready for a tough one. Here's something to do at home.

Skill: 10-15 minutes working on the Olympic Lifting jump/landing stance (As we've practiced)

For Time:
1-2-3...9-10-9...3-2-1 reps of:
Jump Squats

For the dips you can use two chairs, a park bench, rings....whatever you can find

Sunday, August 5, 2012

August 5th 2012

Rest Day

"All truly great thoughts are conceived while walking."
-Freidrich Nietzsche

Go for a walk today, by yourself, and think. You could think about the challenges you must overcome this week, re-evaluate goals, friends, family, loved ones...or just the rest day question below. Whatever it is, just walk and reflect on things. You'll feel better for it.

Rest Day Question:
What is your current number one fitness goal and what are you doing to achieve it? (Ex: Do a muscle up, 100 unbroken double unders, deadlift X lbs, sub-X mile run.....)

Saturday, August 4, 2012

August 4th 2012

At Home WOD:

Tabata Pushups
Tabata Situps
Tabata Squats

To complete this workout, perform 8 rounds of each movement before moving on to the next. A round is 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest. Work a hard as you can on each round and record the total number of reps for each movement.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

August 2nd 2012

Rest Day

Get some quality time in with a foam roller, lacrosse ball, tennis ball. Check out Kelly Starrett at www.mobilitywod.com. He has a ton of great instruction videos on getting yourself loose and limber.

REMINDER: no classes until Tuesday. I'll be away until then.

Stay tuned for an at-home WOD or two and, of course, the rest day question on sunday

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

August 1st 2012

Reminder: no classes Friday or Monday. I'll be away.

Skill: Snatch Form

Mystery WOD aka cherry-picker proof

Since there is no Friday class this week we'll vote after the warmup on either a group WOD or individual for today's workout

Results July 31st 2012

Monday, July 30, 2012

July 31st 2012

Those runs yesterday were tough but everyone pushed through to the end.

Hero WOD: "Brenton"

5 Rounds for Time:
Bear Crawl 100ft
Standing Broad Jump 100ft
*Do 3 burpees after every 5 broad jumps

Wear body armor/ weight vest if you have it.

Since most of us dont have armor or a vest, if you're up for it, use a loaded up backpack (max 20 lbs). I'll check your weight before the WOD.

Results July 30th 2012

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Monday July 30th 2012

Today we're doing a benchmark WOD. If you've done this one before, it gives you a chance to see how much you've improved. If you haven't, it lets you create a baseline to track your future progress.

20 min. Time Limit:
Run 400m
Max Pullups

Count total reps completed

Sunday July 29th 2012

Rest Day

It's time to recover and get ready for a tough week.

The Rest Day Question:
If you could be an olympic athlete, what would you want to compete in?

Post your opinion in the comments section and we can talk about it tomorrow.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Saturday July 28th 2012

Great job on the team WOD yesterday everyone. Team Aphrodite won with a come from behind victory. Team Icarus had to pay the price for losing.

At Home WOD:
AMRAP 8 Minutes:
5x Dips
10x Squats, bear-hugging weight
15x Situps

For the dips, you can position two sturdy chairs. For the squats with weight use whatever you can find that is roughly 45# men/ 25# women, scale that weight based on ability and what is available. A backpack could come in handy.

Remember to WARM UP!!!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Friday, July 27th 2012

The spartans were known for their courage and prowess on the battlefield. They were some of the most hardened warriors the world has ever seen. What made them so successful was their unity. A single warrior, no matter how great, was nothing in pitched battle. But by working together, in a single cohesive unit, they were quite formidable.

Today will be a team WOD, don't let youre teammates down.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Thursday, July 26th 2012

Rest Day

Lets take a minute to talk about rest days. Crossfit's slogan is forging elite fitness. Now that doesn't mean we're elite but it DOES mean we're "in the forge," on the road to being the best version of ourselves. Now the road to becoming elite is a tough one. We must train with maximal intensity and focus. At the same time we have to take care of our bodies which means getting good sleep, eating right and RESTING.

Someone didn't just pull 3-days-on out of a hat, it took careful testing and evaluation to come up with that. Until you are at a competitive level, I would suggest taking it as a MAXIMUM. You're body needs time to recover, to grow stronger than it was before. You need to listen to your body,  some soreness if's ok but if you're walking around like frankenstein you probably shouldn't show up for squats. Taking a rest day isn't being lazy, you aren't going to get weaker or slower, taking a rest day is just training smart.

So if you've worked out the last three days or are just really sore, rest today and use the time you'd be working out to do something you love.

Results July 25 2012

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Wednesday, July 25 2012

We had a bunch of new faces yesterday, thanks for coming dan, matt, scott and nicole.

Skill: The Handstand

15 min. Time Cap:
3 Rounds of:
50x Double Unders
10x Pullups
15x Squat Jumps
*With remaining time run as far as possible, score is distance ran


Results July 24th 2012

Monday, July 23, 2012

Tuesday, July 24 2012

Sorry for the audible yesterday guys, for many of you it was you're first "date" with Diane!

"The Gap"
AMRAP 20 min:
10x Handrelease Pushups
Jump the gap
10x Ground-to-standing
Jump the gap

Rx'd Ground-to-standing will be no hands allowed

Results from July 23 2012

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Monday, July 23 2012

Let's put Friday's skill work to the test with Elizabeth

5x3 Push Press

WOD: "Elizabeth"
21-15-9 Reps of:
Clean (135/95)
Ring Dips

Sunday, July 22 2012


Take it easy today and get ready for the week ahead. Following is the Rest Day Question, feel free to post your response in the contents section.

What does crossfit mean to you?

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Saturday, July 21 2012

Good luck to our athletes competing today at sportsfest!!! And for those who came out yesterday to workout in the rain, great dedication.

At Home WOD:
AMRAP 15 min.
5x HSPUs
10x Situps
15x Air Squats

Post your results in the comments section

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Friday July 20th 2012

Be ready to "fight" today!

Skill: Squat Clean Drill #2

3, 5 Minute Rounds for Max Reps:
Tuck Jumps
Kb Swings(2pood/25lbs)
10 yd Dashes

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Thursday, July 19th 2012


No class today. Just take it easy. If you want to do a little something, grab a broomstick and look on youtube for "The Burgener Warmup" (sorry, I couldn't post the link). No one explains the burgener warmup better than Coach Burgener himself.

See you on Friday.

Results from Wednesday July 18th

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Results from Tuesday July 17th

Wednesday, July 18th 2012

You guys rocked yesterday! That was a tough workout after hard sprints.

Skill: Pullups/HSPU/Muscle Ups (based on turnout) every minute on the minute for 10 minutes

AMRAP 10 minutes:
8x Clapping Pushups
10x Ground to Overhead w/ Bumper
12x Four-count Flutter Kicks

Monday, July 16, 2012

Tuesday, July 17th 2012

Good work yesterday guys, I saw lots of PR's. Today its going to be
hot, HYDRATE!!

6x Sprint 20 seconds for max distance

3 Rounds for Time:
Burpee Broadjump 30m
Farmer Carry Tires 150m
15x Turkish Getups

Bring water and something to use for the turkish getups. Both can be accomplished by bringing a gallon jug of water, but it's up to you. Guys might need something heavier.

Bear with me as I get the results from yesterday uploaded.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Monday, July 16th 2012

Great answers yesterday everyone. The arguements for each person's choice were pretty compelling.

1RM Shoulder Press

50-40-30-20-10 Reps of:
Double Unders

EVERYONE, BRING YOUR JUMPROPES if you have one. And, if it bothers you, a towel for the wet grass

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Sunday, July 15th 2012


Introducing rest day questions! Every rest day I'll post a question, or maybe just food for thought. Let everyone know what you think by posting your response in the comments section. Physical fitness is only half the equation. The other half, our mental fitness, allows us to crush our opponents in competition and/or gets us to workout on a day when we don't feel like it. Rest day questions give us a chance to exercise our mental muscles.

So, without further ado:

If you had to do one movement (pullups, cleans, etc.) to maintain your fitness, what would it be and why?

Saturday, July 14th 2012

Hey everyone, just as a reminder, no classes today or tomorrow. Here's a quick WOD if you want to workout from home.

Following a dynamic warmup:

AMRAP 5 minutes:

Post your completed number of reps in the comments section.

As a guide, try to hit these numbers:
50 or less reps: Novice
50-75 reps: Intermediate
75-100 reps: Advanced
100+ reps: Elite

"The only easy day was yesterday"

Thursday, July 12, 2012

July 13th 2012

No class this Friday since most people will be busy! have a great weekend and see you all on Monday at 6PM.

At home WOD:

Choosing one of your Goats (something you aren't very good at):

Perform a moderately challenging number of repetitions every minute on the minute for 20 minutes.

Post your goat and reps in the comments.

July 12th 2012

We had a great workout today, good job on those front squats!

Today's WOD:

5x5 Front Squats

For Time:
30x Push Press (95/65)
15x Burpees
30x Jump Squats
15x Burpees
30x Pullups
15x Burpees
30x Mountain Climbers
15x Burpees